Monday, August 25, 2008

Castle Crashers Are Go!

Castle Crashers is finally coming out on XBLA this Wednesday!

Tim's Response:

I am so very excited to finally get my hands on the finished product with Castle Crashers. I played it in the IGF pavilion GDC 2007, needless to say I was very impressed and walked away wanting more. I can't wait to play the co-op on this beast.

As a fan of Alien Hominid it's great to see The Behemoth back in action with Castle Crashers, I have always loved their design aesthetic. I know that this is one XBLA title I will be staying up to 4:30 am for. Hopefully the rest of the Canoodle Strudel crew will be there to romp through the awesome with me.

T.J.'s Response:

I've been looking forward to this game as well. I actually never played Alien Hominid but the art style and gameplay caught my eye. Castle Crashers is as visually exciting as Alien is, and co-op is always a plus is my book. I call lightning.

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